Adoption Services
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Adoption Services

Have Haven Children’s Center believes every child deserves a safe and loving home. Every day in the State of Texas, children are removed from their birth families because of abuse, neglect or abandonment and desperately need the care of a loving family.
Through our foster care program, Have Haven partners with couples and individuals who can provide temporary care for children until they can return home safely. When a child is removed from the birth home, Child Protective Services will contact Have Haven or another community agency to help place that child in a foster family. Some of these children are eventually reunited with their birth families, but there are also many children who are unable to be reunited and are ‘legally free’ for adoption.
Through our foster care to adoption program, Have Haven supports couples and individuals wanting to adopt children who are in foster care and need a loving forever family. To view the requirements of a foster parent, please click here.

Kinship Care
Our experience with Kinship Care has been incredibly rewarding. We’ve primarily worked with grandparents who have stepped in to care for their grandchildren. After fostering them for a time, these grandparents often go on to adopt their grandchildren, allowing the children to grow up within their own biological family. It’s a truly heartwarming journey to witness.
Kinship care is a form of foster care where a child is placed with a relative or close family friend instead of with non-relatives. This arrangement allows the child to stay connected to their family, culture, and community while ensuring they receive the care and support they need. Kinship care provides a sense of stability and familiarity during challenging times, making it a vital option in the foster care system.